Тонкость хромитового песка для получения хромового наполнителя

Fineness of chromite sand for chromium filler sand raw material

Chromium filler sand is a refractory material for ladle made of chromite ore sand. It is better than silicon drainage sand and can increase the pouring rate of ladle. The chromite sand fineness for ladle filler sand is mainly 0.2-0.4mm,0.2-0.6mm, 0.2-0.8mm. The sintering temperature of chromium ore sand is high and its resistance to molten steel erosion is strong. When the ladle water slide is opened, the drainage sand can fall off quickly, so it needs to have good fluidity and looseness. If the sand particles are too fine, the drainage sand is easy to condense after high-temperature sintering. It is not conducive to the shedding of the filler sand, thus affecting the pouring rate.

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